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Specialty Coffee - Origin Blend - Truly Unique!

Origin: Colombia
Elevation: 1620-1730 meters above sea level
Variety: Gesha
Processing: Washed
SCA Rating: 88.25 Points

Flavor: Jasmine, Pomelo, ripe Lemon, and Quince




Jasmin, Pomelo, reife Zitrone und Quitte


Origin: Colombia
Elevation: 1620-1730 meters above sea level
Variety: Gesha
Processing: Washed
SCA Rating: 88.25 Points

In den hochgelegenen Anbaugebieten Kolumbiens entsteht unser Gesha-Kaffee, eine Kreation, die dank der exzellenten Bedingungen von Höhe, Bodenqualität und Verarbeitungstechniken beeindruckt. Juan Cubillos, ein engagierter Kaffeebauer und stolzer Besitzer der Finca La Florida in Gigante, Huila, hat dieses erstaunliche Geschmacksprofil hervorgebracht. Auf seiner 16 Hektar großen Farm in der Gegend von La Palma kultiviert er neben der Variedad Colombia auch seltene Kaffeesorten: 9.000 Pink Bourbon-Bäume, 2.000 Gesha-Bäume und 500 SL-28-Bäume.

Dieser als gewaschener Gesha Kaffee besticht durch sein einzigartiges Aroma: Er verbindet intensive Blumennoten mit einem Hauch von Zitrus und bietet ein sauberes, süßes Geschmackserlebnis. Ein Weltklasse-Kaffee, der die Sorgfalt und Leidenschaft unserer Kaffeebauern widerspiegelt und Ihnen ein Stück kolumbianische Kaffeekultur in jede Tasse bringt.

Roast Profile:

This coffee is specially roasted light for filter methods to highlight its unique characteristics optimally. This roasting technique enhances the coffee's natural flavors, acids, and sugars, allowing you to taste the distinctive features of the origin region clearly. Although primarily designed for filter methods such as drip or immersion brewing, with some skill, it can also be prepared as espresso, showcasing its fine nuances in a different manner.

Use and storage

We recommend enjoying this coffee within 3 months of the roast date.
Store it in a dry and cool place, between +16 and +25 degrees Celsius.

Additional information
Weight N/A
Grind level

Whole Beans


Ground for Aeropress


Ground for Chemex


Ground for direct consumption or French Press


Ground for Ibrik


Ground for espresso machine


Ground for drip coffee maker


Ground for Moka pot


Ground for V60, Kalita, Origami

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Taste profile

This coffee is a fragrant symphony of floral jasmine, refreshing pomelo, ripe lemon, and sweet quince, creating a fascinating flavor experience.

The jasmine note adds a floral elegance and delicate aromatic character to the coffee. The sweet and slightly tangy pomelo brings a refreshing citrus quality that brightens the aroma and gives the coffee a lively freshness.

The ripe lemon contributes a deep and complex citrus note, enriching the coffee with balanced acidity and a rich, fruity profile. The sweet quince rounds out the flavor profile, imparting pleasant sweetness and a velvety texture to the coffee.

Together, these flavors create a balanced blend of floral, citrusy, and fruity notes that add a multi-dimensional and flavorful aspect to the coffee. This coffee is perfect for lovers of complex and aromatic taste experiences.

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